Evening Monthly Meeting

2nd Tuesday's of each month from 6:30pm

Drop in evening meeting on the second Tuesday of each month (except August). All welcome.

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Daytime Monthly Meeting

Last Wednesday's of each month from 10:30am

Coffee morning meet on the last Wednesday of each month (except December) with exhibitions or photowalk after. All Welcome

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Other Events

Photowalks, exhibition visits
and workshops.

We also meet each year for Pinhole Day and Cyanotype Day. During the summer we have a photowalk on the last Sundays in July, August and September. Plus ad-hoc visits and workshops.

Calendar of Events

Edinburgh LoFi celebrates 15
years in 2024, we are looking
forward to our next 15.

Throughout the years, it has not been the equipment, the technique or the process that was important, but producing a physical image with thought, meaning, and craft which connects with the viewer and allows a glimpse of our perspective of the world to be seen.